Electro-Voice Microphone User Manual
Page 92

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Canada-Phone: 1-866-505-5551, Fax: 1-866-336-8467
Latin America-Phone: 1-952-887-5532, Fax: 1-952-736-4212
Europe, Africa & Middle-East
EVI Audio GmbH, Hirschberger Ring 45, D-94315, Straubing, Germany
Phone: +49 9421-706 0, Fax: +49 9421-706 265
France: EVI Audio France S.A. Parc de Courcerin, Allée Lech Walesa, F 77185 Lognes, France
Phone: +33 1-6480-0090, Fax: +33 1-6006-5103
UK: Shuttlesound Ltd., The Willows Centre, Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4NX, UK
Phone: +44 208 646 7114, Fax: +44 208 254 5666
Asia & Pacific Rim
Japan: EVI Audio Japan Ltd. 5-3-8 Funabashi, Setagaya-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 156-0055
Phone: +81 3-5316-5020, Fax: +81 3-5316-5031
Australia: EVI Audio (Aust) Pty Ltd. Slough Business Estate, Unit 23, Silverwater, N.S.W. 2128, Australia
Phone: +61 2-9648-3455, Fax: +61 2-9648-5585
China: EVI Audio (HK) Ltd. 7th Floor China Minmetals Tower, No. 79 Chatham Road South, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK
Phone: +852 2351-3628, Fax: +852 2351-3329
Singapore: Telex Pte. Ltd. 3015A Ubi Road 1, 05-10 Kampong Ubi Industrial Estate, Singapore 408705
Phone: +65 6746-8760, Fax: +65 6746-1206
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