PLANET XGSW-28040HP User Manual
Page 408

Command Guide of XGSW-28040HP
'port' 'port-security' 'ptp' 'pvlan' 'qos' 'rmon' 'snmp' 'source-guard' 'ssh' 'upnp' 'user' 'vlan' 'voice-vlan'
all-defaults Include most/all default values
interface Show specific interface(s)
vlan VLAN
line Show line settings
console Console
vty VTY
Usage Guide:
To display the running-config.
Example 1:
To display the running-config.
Switch # show running-config
Building configuration...
username admin privilege 15 password none
loop-protect transmit-time 2
loop-protect shutdown-time 2
vlan 1
Example 2:
To display the running-config with filtered MVR function
Switch # show running-config feature mvr
Building configuration...
vlan 1
mvr vlan 1 name 1