187 qos qce – PLANET XGSW-28040HP User Manual
Page 284

Command Guide of XGSW-28040HP
Usage Guide:
To configure the DSCP Ingress Translation
To configure the DSCP Ingress Translation (AF11 to AF12)
Switch# configure terminal
Switch (config)# qos map dscp-ingress-translation af11 to af12
4.2.187 qos qce
qos qce
multicast | broadcast | any } ] [ tag { [ type { untagged | tagged | c-tagged | s-tagged |
any } ] [ vid {
[ inner-tag { [ type { untagged | tagged | c-tagged | s-tagged | any } ] [ vid {
any } ] [ pcp {
[ {
any } ] [ control {
[ proto {
af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | va } | any } ] [ fragment { yes | no |
any } ] [ sport {
udp | any } ] [ sip {
| af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 |
cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | va } | any } ] [ sport {
any } ] } } ] [ action { [ cos {
[ pcp-dei {
| af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 |
cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | ef | va } | default } ] [ policy {
qos Quality of Service
qce QoS Control Entry
action Setup action
dmac Setup matched DMAC
frame-type Setup matched frame type
interface Interfaces
last Place QCE at the end
next Place QCE before the next QCE ID
smac Setup matched SMAC