143 mep tst – PLANET XGSW-28040HP User Manual
Page 253

Command Guide of XGSW-28040HP
Switch# configure terminal
Switch (config)# mep 1 performance-monitoring
4.2.143 mep
one-zero ] rate
mep Maintenance Entity Point
tst Test Signal
dei Drop Eligible Indicator in case of tagged OAM.
mep-id Peer MEP-ID for unicast TST. The MAC is taken from peer MEP MAC database.
sequence Enable sequence number in TST PDU
all-one Test pattern is set to all one.
all-zero Test pattern is set to all zero.
one-zero Test pattern is set to 10101010.
rate The TST frame transmission bit rate - in Mega bits pr. second. Limit on Caracal is 400 Mbps. Limit on Serval is
1Gbps. This is the bit rate of a standard frame without any encapsulation. If 1 Mbps rate is selected in a EVC
MEP, the added tag will give a hi
size The TST frame size. This is entered as the wanted size (in bytes) of a un-tagged frame containing TST OAM PDU
- including CRC (four bytes). Example when 'Size' = 64 => Un-tagged frame size = DMAC(6) + SMAC(6) +
TYPE(2) + TST PDU LENGTH(46) + CRC(4) = 64
Usage Guide:
To enable Test Signal of MEP.
To enable Test Signal of MEP 1 as below table