Yaskawa MotionWorks+ Windows Software User Manual
Page 132
Programming Tools
sMachineCycle_External - This is the modularization value if the external encoder is
configured for rotary mode. This value is identical to the external encoder configuration
property Machine Cycle and can be changed at run time. Important: when this value is
changed, it takes up to a low scan time period for the change to be effective. This is
because the conversion from User Units to pulses occurs in the low scan. Care should
be taken to be sure the value has actually been updated.
sMachineCycle_Main - This is the modularization value if the main encoder is config-
ured for rotary mode. This value is identical to the MP940 configuration property
Machine Cycle and can be changed at run time. Important: when this value is changed,
it takes up to a low scan time period for the change to be effective. This is because the
conversion from User Units to pulses occurs in the low scan. Care should be taken to be
sure the value has actually been updated.
sPosition_CompletionWindow - Defines the maximum distance allowed between the
final target and the servo (in user units) for a move to be considered complete. If the
“Wait for Completion” property is set (MOVE block), it will not complete until the posi-
tion is within this distance. If this property is set too high, the block will complete
before the move is done.
sPosition_Virtual_Counts - This is the virtual counter which is used as the external
encoder if sExternalMode is set to “1”. This value is updated every high scan by an
amount consistent with sPSpeed_Virtual. If the DEFINE POSITION block is used for
the external encoder, this value is set also.
sSlaveOffset_Mode - A configuration setting which dictates how the SLAVE OFFSET
block behaves. If set to “0,” the Duration property of the SLAVE OFFSET block is time
in mSec. The Offset will complete in the time specified. If set to “1,” the Duration
property is a relative change in position of the master, in external user units. The Offset
will take as long as required for the master to move the relative distance specified. This
mode is recommended when it is critical for the correction to be complete within a
known distance.
sSpeed_Virtual - If the virtual encoder is selected using sExternal_Mode=1, this prop-
erty will set the speed of the virtual counter. If at the time sExternalMode is set for vir-
tual the real external encoder is moving, sSpeed_Virtual will be set to the same speed as
the external encoder. This property is in External User Units/Second.
sTorque_Commanded - This is the same as the Torque property of the TORQUE