Yaskawa MotionWorks+ Windows Software User Manual

Page 125

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Programming Tools


mPosition_Actual_Counts - The current position of the servo motor updated every
high scan.

mPosition_Commanded - The servo commanded position in user units. This is the
final target of a move. If camming or gearing are enabled, then this is the commanded
target at each scan.

mPosition_Complete - Status bit that has a value of "1" when the actual position of the
servo (mPosition_Actual) is within the required tolerance
(sPosition_Completion_Width) of the final destination (sPosition_Commanded). Typi-
cally this is the Position property of the MOVE AXIS block, or the Target Distance
property of the LATCH block.

mPosition_Error - The difference between the commanded position of the servo
(mPosition_Target) and the actual position of the servo (mPosition_Actual). The value
is updated at every high speed scan. When this value exceeds pLimit_PositioningError,
mPosition_Error_Exceeded has a value of "1", and an A9F alarm is generated.

mPosition_Error_Exceeded - Status bit that indicates if the servo position error
mPosition_Error has exceeded pLimitPositionError. When the limit has been exceeded,
the value of this monitor parameter is "1", and an A9F warning displays on the SGDH.
An alarm clear is required to reset this error.

mPosition_Ext_Mod_Latch_Counts - This is the external latch in counts minus the
cumulative number of machine cycles that have occurred. Note: This value will be
inaccurate over time if a non integer based machine cycle is used.

mPosition_External - The current position of the external encoder in user units. The
position is updated at every high speed scan. If the external encoder is configured as a
rotary axis, this value represents the position within the rotary limits of the machine (the
modularized value).

mPosition_External_Counts - The current position of the external encoder. The posi-
tion is updated at every high speed scan.