Welltech SIPPBX 6200 V.3.1.1 User Manual
Page 45

Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.
SIPPBX 6200S, 6200GS, 6200N Release 3.1.1
User Guide
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Backup Authorization Port: Backup Radius Authentication/Authorization
Server Port.
Backup Accounting IP: Backup Radius Account Server IP address.
Backup Accounting Port: Backup Radius Account Server Port.
Max Retry: The maximum retry times once SIPPBX 6200x failed to connect
with Radius Server.
Response Timeout (msec): The maximum wait for response time from
RADIUS Server.
Switch Threshold: Switch to alternate RADIUS Server when failures are
occurred more than switching threshold.
Local Port: The local port used for RADIUS Client.
Secret Key: The shared secret key with RADIUS Server.
- Yes: Use Cisco RADIUS mode (have redundant string in vender attribute)
- No: not to use Cisco mode.
CDR Mode:
- Enable: Log CDR into the file
- Disable: no
CDR Keeper Days: CDR system keeping days.
Vendor ID: RADIUS vender attribute’s vender ID.(Default is 9)
Send Zero
Session Time:
- Yes: Send 0-balance session time for RADIUS when the call failed
- No: not support.
Welltech extend RADIUS attrib: Enable the Welltech extended RADIUS
attributes or not. Please only enable this extended attributes when your
WellBilling 6600 (Billing Server) version is Released Version 2.0 and you
want to use Least Cost Routing (LCD) or RADIUS routing features.
Billing Message: Send out RADIUS billing message. The option are
RADIUS(Start/Stop), RADIUS(Stop) or None.
Inter-Subscriber RADIUS Authentication:
- Yes: When a subscriber is calling another subscriber, SIPPBX 6200x will
send Authentication message to RADIUS Server for call permission.
- No: When a subscriber calling another subscriber, SIPPBX 6200 will not
send Authentication message to RADIUS Server for call permission.
CDR Report: Enable or disable CDR Report. When enable the CDR reporting,
each call will be recorded for reporting purpose. If you are using the external
billing software, it is recommend not to Turn it on.
CDR Report Time Format: The date and time format of CDR report.
Supported format show as follows,
"mm.dd.yy hh:mm:ss"
"mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss"
"mm-dd-yy hh:mm:ss"
"mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss"
"mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss"
"mm-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss"
"yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm:ss"
"yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
Max CDR Report Raw Data Keep Days: The maximum keep days for the
CDR report raw data.