Voice gateway setting – Welltech SIPPBX 6200 V.3.1.1 User Manual

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Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.

SIPPBX 6200S, 6200GS, 6200N Release 3.1.1

User Guide

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Figure 8.3-5

Step 6: Enter correct DNS server IP address, host name, domain name and

dynamic DNS registration to “Yes”. Apply change by clicking Apply

button as figure 8.3-6.

Figure 8.3-6

Parameter Description:

Primary DNS Server: Primary DNS Server IP network.

Secondary DNS Server: Secondary DNS Server IP network.

Host Name: Host name used to register to DNS Server.

Domain Name: Domain name used.

Dynamic DNS Registration: Enable Dynamic DNS registration or not.

Voice Gateway Setting:

Voice gateway mode needs 2 network port (WAN and LAN). SIP service

Ethernet port is on WAN side and management interface Ethernet port will be

used for private IP. This feature provides NAT server and voice only.
Step 1: Select System Core > System > Voice Gateway to “Yes”. Apply

change by clicking

Apply button as figure 8.3-7.