Welltech SIPPBX 6200 V.3.1.1 User Manual

Page 108

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Welltech Technology Co., Ltd.

SIPPBX 6200S, 6200GS, 6200N Release 3.1.1

User Guide

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Figure 7.2-7

- Prompt: Greetings or variable prompt to be played. Check “Var” when it

is stored at a variable.

- Start Date: Start date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) for the greeting.

- Stop Date: Stop date and time (yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss) for the greeting.

- Interrupted by key: Stop play when user press any key.

- Clear Digits before start: To clear the digits before start to play.

- Next Goto: Next component to be executed.

: Variable Operation

Figure 7.2-8

- Next ID: Next component ID.

Operation description:


++: Plus 1


- -: Minus 1


=: Equal


+=: Plus x. Fox example, variable Intcom1 +=3 means Intcom1 plus 3.


- =: Minus x. Fox example, variable Intcom1 -=3 means Intcom1 minus
