Tail model – Teac GigaPulse User Manual

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Tail Model:

The user may override enable/disable of the tail extention (for impulses sets over 3

seconds in length) by clicking on this button. Note that when a new bank selection is

made, the user override will be cancelled and the impulse set’s default will be set.

The Tail Model is used when dealing with impulses that are longer than 3 seconds.

(48khz 131072 samples to be exact). After 3 seconds, the Tail Model will smoothly blend

an algorithm reverb tail near the 3-second cutoff into the digital reverb. This can save a

lot of CPU resources with virtually no noticeable change in audio. (This tail will ideally

kick in at very low levels as the reverb is trailing off) If the impulse environment is less

than 3 seconds, the Tail Model will not be enabled, and enabling it will have no effect.

Enable Button

– When lighted green, the Tail Model is on.

Overlap Control

– Has a minimum/maximum range of 0-127. This is a

timing offset combined with a cross fade that adjusts the overlap between

the convolution signal and the artificial tail.

Level Control

– The level control allows the Tail Model signal level to be

adjusted to better match the original signal.

Cutoff Control

– The cutoff control is essentially a low pass filter.

It permits the tonal quality of the Tail Model signal to be matched to that of

the original signal.