Measurement Computing Personal488 rev.3.0 For DOS & Windows 3.Xi User Manual

Page 43

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6. Personal488/CARD

Personal488 User’s Manual, Rev. 3.0


To reset the card, the command line syntax above can be used, in which R is the reset switch. Socket
number must be specified, but


can be omitted (default memory window at D0000H). After

executing an


command with the reset option,


must be run again to set

the card’s resources.

IOT488EN.EXE (s0,r)

This command line resets the card in socket 0 (default memory window at D0000H),

IOT488EN.EXE (s1,r,wc8)

This command line resets the card in socket 1 (with PCIC memory window at C8000H).

Configuration Software

For ease of use, this text repeats material found in the driver-specific “Installation & Configuration”
Sub-Chapters found in Chapters 8 through 12 of this manual. In addition, this text includes
Personal488/CARD information not contained elsewhere. Aside from this chapter on
Personal488/CARD, you should also read through the “External Device Interfacing” Sub-Chapters
found in Chapters 8, 9, and 10 of this manual.

Configuration Utility

The configuration utility permits you to specify the Driver488 system configuration, add interfaces,
define external devices, etc. It does so by modifying the Driver488 startup configuration and is
specified in a Windows-style initialization file named


. The first screen of the


program is used to enter the configuration settings so the Driver488 software can be

correctly modified to reflect the state of the hardware.

The driver can be reconfigured at any time by running the


program. Changes to the

configuration will not be recognized by the driver until the driver is unloaded and reloaded. Typically,
this is accomplished by rebooting your computer or using the utilities




. For

details regarding utilities, refer to the “Utility Programs” Sub-Chapters found in Chapters 8, 9, and 10
of this manual

To start the


program, type


within the directory in which the configuration utility

resides, typically



The minimum requirement for configuring your system is to make certain that your Personal488/CARD
is selected under “Device Type.” The default settings in all of the other fields match those of the
interface as shipped from the factory. If you are unsure of a setting, it is recommended that you leave it
as is.

Interfaces and External Devices


program can configure both interfaces and external devices. Interfaces are the

Personal488/Card and serial ports. External devices are instruments or other devices attached to the
IEEE 488 bus or the MP488(CT) Counter/Timers and Digital I/O devices.

Configuration Program Screens
In general, all Driver488 configuration utility screens have three main windows: the “name” of the
interfaces or devices on the left, the “configuration” window on the right, and the “instruction” window
at the bottom of the screen. Based on current cursor position, the valid keys for each window will
display in the Instructions box.

To begin the interface configuration, move the cursor in the name window to select an interface
description for modification. (Interfaces can be added or deleted using


). Notice

moving the cursor up and down the list of interfaces or devices in the left window changes the
parameters in the configuration window. The configuration fields always correspond with the currently
selected interface and device type.

Once all modifications have been made to the configuration screen,

must be pressed to accept

the changes made or

can be pressed to exit without saving any change. Additional function keys