Legrand OR-205KAN9GB-MM User Manual

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Position the fiber stripper at the end of the tube, and proceed to remove the 250 µm coating in one even
stripping motion as shown in Figures 1 and 2 below. 250 µm coating end should be clean and square.
Using your fingers, carefully grip the bare fiber close to the 250 µm coating as shown in Fig. 3 below, and
gently push the fiber back into the tube as far as it will go. The 250 µm coating must always be visible
when the fiber is lightly pushed into the tube. There must be 0.50 mm–1.50 mm of 250 µm coating
extending beyond the tube as shown in Fig. 4 below.

Fiber waste

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Step 1. (Fig. 1) Insert fiber into the

Step 2. (Fig. 2) Draw the tool along the

250 µm "V" opening of the tool

fiber using thumb pressure while keeping

(shown in previous page). Close

the tool perpendicular to the fiber.

the tool squarely around the fiber.

Fig. 3

Fig. 4


250 µm coating


Installation: stripping 900 µm loose tube fiber with breakout kit
