Legrand Vista Series Add-On Plates User Manual
Vista, Series, Installation instructions

Add-On Plates and Accessories
Wiremold Electrical Systems conform to and should be installed
and properly grounded in compliance with requirements of the
current National Electrical Code, Canadian Electrical Code or
codes administered by local authorities.
All electrical products may represent possible shock or fire
hazard if improperly installed or used. Wiremold electrical
products are cUL Listed, made for interior use only, and should
be installed in conformance with current local and/or the National
Electrical Code.
Receptacle & Lighting Plates require device
mounting straps. All other plates snap directly
into Vista Series Frame.
1. Install device mounting straps as shown.
2. Install lighting bracket plate into the frame
and mount Light fixture with supplied
hardware from lighting manufacturer.
- NM2000 Series Nonmetallic Plugmold Multioutlet System Receptacle Replacement BZTPP Series RC3APTCBK RC3APTCGY RC4KTCBK RC4KTCGY RC4KTCVY RC4KTCAL RC4KTCBS RC4KTCAB RC9 Poke-Thru Series RC7APTCGY RC7APTCBK FS 291-H/BTC 292-H/BTC RC9-PPT RC92GHBTC RC91GHBTC RCAPFFTCBK RC9CFFTCBK RC9CFFTCGY RC9FFS RC9AFFTCBK RC9AFFTCGY RC9AFFTC v.2 880ADP FITFIT Multi-Service Poke-Thru Device Abandonments AP-FITTCFIT Multi-Service Poke-Thru Device Abandonments 221-21CARPET FIT Multi-Service Poke-Thru Device Abandonments 221-21TILE FIT Multi-Service Poke-Thru Device Abandonments RC9AFFTC v.1 6ATC 8AT 6PPS 68REC 68REC-25 6PPS 8 5PTHA 575CHA 175CHA-LJB 1BHA 152CHA 1BLH 175CHA 5BLH 1PTHA 1125CHA 15FFHA 682A 682A-PT 6S2 6ACT8A 6TRAC 6MAAP2A 6MOSBS 6DEC 6DP 6MOS 6B 6AAP 68B 6SER 6MAAP 6S1 68MAAP 6ATCFFBK 6ATCFFGY 6ATCFFNK 6ATCFFBS 6ATCFFBZ 895GFI 895TGFI 895 Series Floor Box Covers v.2 896 Series Floor Box Covers v.2 K/KP deQuorum Worksurface Portal Adapter Plate RC7AFFTC RC7AFFTCBK RC7AFFTCGY RC7AFFTCAL RC7AFFTCBS RC7CFFTCBK RC7CFFTCGY RC7CFFTCAL RC7CFFTCBS AMD8 Communications Poke-Thru Device Adapter COM50 COM75 25DTC-ACT 25DTC-3S2 25DTC-CVR AMTC-ACT AMTC-3S2 AMTC-ACVR 25AM10FO TS Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAM1F1AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAX1F1AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAM1F2AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAX1F2AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAM1F0AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TSAX1F0AL1U Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AM1L1GYCM Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AM1L1GYRT Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AM1L2GYCM Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AM1L2GYRT Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AX1L1GYCM Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AX1L1GYRT Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AX1L2GYCM Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules TS2345AX1L2GYRT Whip-Ended TableSource Work Surface Modules AMTC-CVR 2507C AMTPN-25DTPN TPB Gasketed Box 25DTPC AMTPC Series 30TP Series E77378WHT3WB