8.8. clearing the device filters, 8.9. gasboy magnetic cards format – Gasboy SiteOmat Users Manual User Manual

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See Section 7 for further information on reports.

5-8.8. Clearing the Device Filters

In order to clear the previously defined filters, click on the Clear Filters button.

The filters are reset, the list is refreshed and it displays all the records.

5-8.9. Gasboy Magnetic Cards Format

Standard format cards, used for refueling authorization, include vehicle or driver details.
The following paragraph describes the card field layout for Gasboy Magnetic Cards.
The string layout for a magnetic card is:

a. = is a field separator
b. ssssss is a two- to six-digit system ID number
c. ccccccccccccccccccc is up to 19 digits of account information. This entire area can

be used for a string of information up to 19 digits; or can be broken into subfields,
the total of which cannot exceed 19 digits. For example, if using 19 digits for card
number, other fields cannot be included

d. xxxxxxxxxxxx is optional information

The system recognizes the first two sections as the card number (i.e.: ssssssccccccccccccccccccc).


Incorrectly programmed cards, are not accepted by
payment terminals. The following message is
displayed: "Invalid Card".

All cards should be added to the system's database
prior to being presented to the OrPT. Otherwise, the
card is rejected and the following message is
displayed: "Card Not Defined".

SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818