Figure 7-6. fleet list dialog box – Gasboy SiteOmat Users Manual User Manual

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Do not select a comma as a decimal point notation,
if commas were selected as field delimiters.

6. (Optional) Select the Print column name checkbox to include the field Name in the export


7. (Optional) Filter the export by Fleet/Station by clicking Fleet List (which opens the Fleet

List dialog box, see Figure 7-6) and Station List (which opens the Station List dialog box,
see Figure 7-7). Select the checkbox next to the required fleets/stations. To select all the
fleets/stations, click on the Select All button, to reset the selection click on the Unselect All
button. Click OK to save changes and close the dialog box, or Cancel to close the dialog
box without saving the changes.

Figure 7-6. Fleet List Dialog Box

SiteOmat User’s Manual– MDE 4818