Vhdl component declaration (altecc_encoder), Vhdl component declaration (altecc_decoder), Vhdl component declaration (altecc_encoder) -6 – Altera Integer Arithmetic IP User Manual
Page 44: Vhdl component declaration (altecc_decoder) -6

The following Verilog HDL prototype is located in the Verilog Design File (.v) lpm.v in the
installation directory>\eda\synthesis directory.
module altecc_decoder
#( parameter intended_device_family = "unused",
parameter lpm_pipeline = 0,
parameter width_codeword = 8,
parameter width_dataword = 8,
parameter lpm_type = "altecc_decoder",
parameter lpm_hint = "unused")
( input wire aclr,
input wire clock,
input wire clocken,
input wire [width_codeword-1:0] data,
output wire err_corrected,
output wire err_detected,
outut wire err_fatal,
output wire [width_dataword-1:0] q);
VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_ENCODER)
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd)
altera_mf_components.vhd in the
component altecc_encoder
generic (
intended_device_family:string := "unused";
lpm_pipeline:natural := 0;
width_codeword:natural := 8;
width_dataword:natural := 8;
lpm_hint:string := "UNUSED";
lpm_type:string := "altecc_encoder");
aclr:in std_logic := '0';
clock:in std_logic := '0';
clocken:in std_logic := '1';
data:in std_logic_vector(width_dataword-1 downto 0);
q:out std_logic_vector(width_codeword-1 downto 0));
end component;
VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_DECODER)
The VHDL component declaration is located in the VHDL Design File (.vhd)
altera_mf_components.vhd in the
component altecc_decoder
generic (
intended_device_family:string := "unused";
lpm_pipeline:natural := 0;
width_codeword:natural := 8;
width_dataword:natural := 8;
lpm_hint:string := "UNUSED";
lpm_type:string := "altecc_decoder");
aclr:in std_logic := '0';
clock:in std_logic := '0';
clocken:in std_logic := '1';
VHDL Component Declaration (ALTECC_ENCODER)
Altera Corporation
ALTECC (Error Correction Code: Encoder/Decoder)