Altera Integer Arithmetic IP User Manual

Page 12

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Figure 1-5: Legacy Parameter Editors

Legacy parameter

1. In the IP Catalog (Tools > IP Catalog), locate and double-click the name of the IP core to customize.

The parameter editor appears.

2. Specify a top-level name and output HDL file type for your IP variation. This name identifies the IP

core variation files in your project. Click OK.

3. Specify the parameters and options for your IP variation in the parameter editor. Refer to your IP core

user guide for information about specific IP core parameters.

4. Click Finish or Generate (depending on the parameter editor version). The parameter editor generates

the files for your IP variation according to your specifications. Click Exit if prompted when generation

is complete. The parameter editor adds the top-level


file to the current project automatically.

Note: To manually add an IP variation generated with legacy parameter editor to a project, click

Project > Add/Remove Files in Project and add the IP variation



Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)

The Quartus II software version generates the following output for your IP core that uses the legacy

parameter editor.



Files Generated for Altera IP Cores (Legacy Parameter Editor)


Integer Arithmetic Megafunctions

Altera Corporation

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