Changing the proficiency setting for a report, Switching the report view, Saving, printing and exporting reports – Turning Technologies Insight 360 Cloud User Manual
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Insight 360
Changing the Proficiency Setting for a Report
Many reports track the proficiency of a class or student. The proficiency is the minimum score that must be obtained to
demonstrate that the student has achieved a base level of skill or knowledge in the subject. Insight 360 Cloud sets the
proficiency to 65% by default, however you can change this setting for each individual report. Insight 360 Cloud remembers the
changed proficiency setting for all future reports.
Select the desired report.
In the Proficiency field, enter the new minimum proficiency score.
Click Generate Report.
Switching the Report View
All Performance Analysis and Standards Analysis reports can be viewed as either a grid or as a bar chart.
Select the desired report from the left menu.
Enter all necessary information in the fields provided.
Select the Chart radio button to view the report as a bar chart.
Select the Grid radio button to view the report as a grid.
Click Generate Report.
Saving, Printing and Exporting Reports
Reports can be saved to and printed from a portable document format (PDF). Additionally, you can export most reports to a
CSV file.
A PDF reader is required to view compiled files. Please ensure a PDF reader is installed on your
Exporting to a CSV file is the primary method for importing class data into third-party programs
such as grade books, learning management systems and parent portals.
Select the desired report from the left menu.
Enter all necessary information in the fields provided and click Generate PDF.
The report opens in your PDF reader.
The file is automatically named and saved in a Temp folder. To save it with a different name and path from Adobe
Acrobat or Acrobat Reader, click File from the menu bar, mouse over Save As and select PDF.