Swath manager 5, Installation – TeeJet CenterLine User Guide v2.02 User Manual
Page 43
CenterLine 2.02
98-05054 R6
Swath Manager 5 should be configured as illustrated in the following diagrams. Make sure the con-
troller and Swath Manager 5 switches are in the proper locations.
Create a boundary to lock the area of application. If a boundary is created and closed and the Auto
Boom switch is set to “engaged”, the system will not apply outside of the boundary. Refer to CHAP-
TER 3 - AREA DETERMINATION for additional information.
Cable 45-05462 and 45-05463
Connect between controller and main harnesses
Cable 45-05467
Use T-Taps supplied with harness to tap into the signal wire between the switchbox or existing
switches and boom shutoff valves.
System Warning. This message is displayed when there is a
complete loss of GPS signal to the GPS receiver or Smartpad.
Guidance calculations are stopped until DGPS signal resumes.
Lightbar Version Message. This message is displayed when the
user starts CenterLine or runs the lightbar test. This number will
vary based on the lightbar version and model.