Headland guidance lightbar graphics – TeeJet CenterLine User Guide v2.02 User Manual
Page 36

32 Chapter 3 - Operation
Figure 3-7: Example of Completed Field
Headland Guidance Lightbar Graphics
CenterLine’s Headland Guidance uses a lightbar text display graphic that aids the operator when
navigating parallel to a curved swath. The X-Track LED functionality that is used during Straight-Line
and Curved AB mode is also used during Headland Guidance.
A projected swath path graphic is displayed in the text display area of the lightbar. The projected
path is comprised of four horizontal bars. The bottom bar indicates the nearest proximity to the vehi-
cle; the top bar indicates the furthest away. The width of the bars decrease as the distance from the
vehicle increases to add perspective to the view. The projected distance of the first bar from the front
of the vehicle is based on vehicle speed. A straight lightbar display indicates that there are no turns
approaching. A skewed lightbar display indicates that a turn is approaching in the direction the bars
are skewed. The X-Track LEDs indicate the vehicle’s position in relation to the guideline configured
during Swath mode. The X-Track LEDs do not provide information relating to the curved path ahead
of the vehicle; they simply indicate the vehicle’s location in regard to the established guideline.Dur-
ing the first Headland Guidance pass, the lightbar will display a “hollow” path, meaning that no guid-
ance information is available. The first path must be completed before a parallel path can be
established (refer to Figure 3-10).
Figure 3-8: Lightbar - Straight Path Ahead