Compaq AA-RHGWC-TE User Manual
Page 243

8.8 Preparing the TL890 DLT MiniLibrary Expansion Unit
The topics in this section provide information on preparing the TL890 DLT
MiniLibrary expansion unit with the TL891 and TL892 DLT MiniLibraries
for use on a shared SCSI bus.
To achieve system performance capabilities, we recommend
placing no more than two TZ89 drives on a SCSI bus, and also
recommend that no shared storage be placed on the same SCSI
bus with a tape library.
8.8.1 TL890 DLT MiniLibrary Expansion Unit Hardware
The TL890 expansion unit is installed above the TL891/TL892 DLT
MiniLibrary base units in a SW500, SW800, or RETMA cabinet. The
expansion unit integrates the robotics in the individual modules into a
single, coordinated library robotics system. The TL890 assumes control of
the media, maintaining an inventory of all media present in the system, and
controls movement of all media. The tape cartridges can move freely between
the expansion unit and any of the base modules via the system’s robotically
controlled pass-through mechanism. The pass-through mechanism is
attached to the back of the expansion unit and each of the base modules.
For each TL891/TL892 base module beyond the first module, the
pass-through mechanism must be extended by seven inches (the height of
each module) with a DS-TL800-AA pass-through mechanism extension.
A seven-inch gap may be left between base modules (providing there is
sufficient space), but additional pass-through mechanism extensions must
be used.
For complete hardware installation instructions, see the DLT MiniLibrary
(TL890) Expansion Unit User’s Guide.
The combination of the TL890 expansion unit and the TL891/TL892
MiniLibrary modules is referred to as a DLT MiniLibrary for the remainder
of this discussion.
8.8.2 Preparing the DLT MiniLibraries for Shared SCSI Bus Usage
The following sections describe how to prepare the DLT MiniLibraries in
more detail. It is assumed that the expansion unit, base modules, and
pass-through and motor mechanisms have been installed.
Configuring a Shared SCSI Bus for Tape Drive Use 8–29