Brookfield DV3T Rheometer User Manual
Page 17

Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 17
Manual No. M13-2100
The basic Configure Viscosity Test view is shown in Figure II-4. This view includes the Status Bar
(Section II.3), Title Bar (which includes the Home and Settings icons), test name, test parameters,
the More/Less bar, and Command Keys (see Section II.4).
More/Less Bar
Command Keys
Status Bar
Title Bar
Test Parameters
Test Name
Figure II-4
The user can see the name of any test that has been loaded through the Load Test function. In Figure
II-4, the file name is listed as Unsaved Test, indicating that the current test has not been saved.
The More/Less bar is seen just below the test parameters. In Figure II-4, this bar includes a
down arrow, which indicates that more information is available. Figure II-5 shows the additional
information that can be accessed. The More/Less bar , in this view, now has an up arrow indicating
that the additional information can be hidden.
More/Less Bar
Command Keys
Status Bar
Title Bar
Data Fields
Figure II-5