Brookfield DV3T Rheometer User Manual
Page 14

Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 14
Manual No. M13-2100
Figure II-2
The operator must ensure that the rheometer is level (see Section I.4) and remove any attached
spindle or coupling. When the Next button is pressed, the rheometer will operate for approximately
13 seconds. After the AutoZero is complete and the operator presses the Next button, the rheometer
will transition to the Configure Viscosity Test screen. If the AutoZero was performed from the
Settings Menu, then the rheometer will return to the Settings Menu.
TIP: Do not touch the rheometer during the AutoZero process to ensure the best zero value.
II.3 Status Bar
The DV3T Rheometer will display a status bar at the top of the screen at all times.
This status bar will indicate: time of day, date, and connection status for a variety of connection
devices. The status icons are defined as:
USB Icon 1,2,3: The DV3T Rheometer can store data and tests to USB storage
device (USB B) such as a USB Flash Drive. There are three
USB ports. These ports are represented as 1, 2 and 3 based on
the order of connection.
Printer Icon:
The DV3T Rheometer can communicate to a label printer for
printing test results (see Section II.8).
Computer Icon: The DV3T Rheometer can communicate with a computer
through the USB A port. Communication is supported with
Brookfield RheocalcT software.
Bath Icon:
The DV3T Rheometer can communicate with a Brookfield
Thermosel (HT-106 Controller) or Temperature Bath (SD or
AP Controllers) to control sample temperature.