Brookfield DV3T Rheometer User Manual
Page 16
Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
Page 16
Manual No. M13-2100
II.5 Home Screen
The DV3T Home screen can be accessed by using the Home Icon
. The Home screen shows
the Main Menu functions and provides access to User Log In and Settings (see Section V.4).
Figure II-3
Configure Viscosity Test: Create and Run viscosity tests.
Configure Yield Test: Create and Run yield tests.
Load Test: Load a test that has previously been saved or created with PG Flash software. Tests
may be loaded from internal memory or a USB Flash Drive.
View Results: Load Results (saved test data) that have previously been saved. Results may be
loaded from internal memory or a USB Flash Drive.
Manage Files: Manage the file system in the internal memory or on a USB Flash Drive for test
programs and saved data. Create new folder structures, delete files, rename files and move files.
External Mode: Direct the DV3T to communicate with Brookfield RheocalcT Software for
complete rheometer control.
Each of the Main Menu items are detailed in the following sections of the manual.
Configure Viscosity Test
Viscosity measurements are made on the DV3T Rheometer through the Configure Viscosity Test
function. The user is presented with Configure Viscosity Test at the conclusion of the AutoZero
function or by selection on the Home Menu
All elements related to the measurement of viscosity are selected within Configure Viscosity
Test. Tests that are created can be saved to the internal memory of the DV3T Rheometer or onto
a connected USB Flash Drive. Tests can be loaded from memory by selecting Load Test from the
Home Screen .
TIP: Many aspects of Configure Viscosity Test can be limited when User ID and Log In functions
are implemented (see Section V.4.2).