Annunciators – Dillon FI-127 User Manual

Page 7

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Keypad Keys

These are the twelve square keys which support numeric entry.

The keyboard keys are labelled 0-9, plus/minus (+/-), and decimal point (.) and are

located near the center of the display face.


This key is used to change the sign of a numeric entry, enter a dash in ID

entry, and insert when editing lists. This key also initiates numeric entry,

except in display mode where it serves to toggle between tension and

compression for bidirectional cells. Toggling between tension and compres-

sion resets peak, first peak and break detect; unfreezes the force display; and

halts data capture.

Directional Keys The directional keys are used to navigate through the FI-127's

menus. These keys are labeled ESCAPE (up), ENTER (down),

(left), and

MENU (right) and are positioned in a compass-like cluster on the display face.

These directional keys are denoted by the small transparent arrows located next

to them. ESCAPE, ENTER, and

also support numeric entry.


Exits a menu parameter without saving any changes. This key moves

up within a menu. In display mode, ESCAPE "unfreezes" the force



Used to end digit entry, accept a change made, or select an item

from a function list. ENTER moves down within a menu. When in

display mode, ENTER "unfreezes" the force display.






Backspaces (deletes the last digit or punctuation mark entered)

while in numeric entry and moves left within a menu.


Accesses user menus and moves right within a menu.

The FI-127 has fourteen annunciators.


Illuminates when indicator is in force display mode.


Illuminates when indicator is in peak display mode.

1st Peak

Illuminates when indicator is in first peak display mode.

lbf, kgf, N

Illuminates the active unit of measure in weighing mode.

Data Send: Illuminates when the indicator is transmitting data.

Does not illuminate when a host connection is communicating
with the indicator or with continuous send.

Zero: Illuminates when the scale is within the configured center

of zero.

Motion: Illuminates when the scale detects motion (within

configured motion window).

Under, Accept, Over

Specific application annunciators.


Indicates the type of force being measured.

Compression Indicates the type of force being measured.


Keypad Keys

Directional Keys