Dillon FI-127 User Manual

Page 28

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Use this item to reset the calibration points to factory
default values. If you choose yES the values are set to 0
lbs f at 0 mV/V and 5000 lbs f at 1 mV/V.


Lets you print the calibration values for a selected loadcell.
See note at left. Choose from No or Yes. If you choose
Yes, the information is output to port 1. Below is an
example of the output format:

07-04-97 10:36 AM

Loadcell 1 T

lbf mV/V

-------- --------

-20000 -0.20055

0 0.00101

10000 0.10203

20000 0.20301

30000 0.30512

40000 0.40333

100000 1.01234

Serial No. _______

The T after Loadcell stands for tension. This string
corresponds to the Cell Type.


This submenu contains force measurement related parameters.


Use this to see or edit the capacity. The UNITS key
works during this display. 5000 lb f is the default value.


This selection allows you to view and edit the division size
of the enabled units of measure. You can enter any
division size. The indicator will use the closest division size
for each enabled unit of measure.

You can view the division in other units of measure by
pressing the UNITS key. The number is stored in the
resolution you enter but is displayed in the closest valid
division size. Any additional resolution is used in calculat-
ing division size in the other units of measure.


Use this menu item to set zero related options. Zero
range is specified as a percent of capacity referenced from
the deadload. There are two items in the submenu:
-Range and Range.

-Range - Use this to set the negative range (below
reference zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 2%
is the default value.

Range - Use this to set the positive range (above refer-
ence zero) within which the unit may be zeroed. 2% is the
default value.

If you change capacity or division
size in any unit of measure, this
automatically changes all the other
enabled units of measure as well.

If you want leading zeroes in your
printouts or broadcast and autosend
information, key in leading zeroes
when setting division size.

Printing the calibration values will
allow both a record of your calibra-
tion and a means of restoring a
calibration if the indicator fails or is