Dillon FI-127 User Manual

Page 22

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With LOAdCELL displayed, press the ENTER key to see a live

display of the current counts coming from the A-D converter.

400400 is an example of how this might appear. Press the

UNITS key to toggle between the counts display mode and the

mV/V display, which appears in this format: 2.00200. This stands

for 2.002 mV/V. The decimal indicates you are looking at mV/V

and not current counts.


This item accesses the internal port serial tests. With SEriAL

displayed, press the ENTER key. Port 1 is displayed. This is

always the internal serial port. When the optional serial boards

are installed in the same stack, port two is always on the bottom.

When installed in different stacks (side by side), port two is

always closest to the power supply. Press the Е




Е or MENU key

to select the port you wish to test.


With the port you want to test displayed, press the ENTER
key. rEAdy or bUSy is displayed telling you if the hardware
input line is ready or busy. This is useful in tracking down serial
output problems.

No Loop

Press the MENU key to see the Loop - No Loop test. Connect
the transmit line to the receive line at some point in the cabling.
The FI-127 checks if it receives the same characters that it
transmits. If it can, LOOP is displayed. If it cannot, no LOOP is
displayed. This is useful in isolating serial output problems to the
FI-127, cable, or connected device by looping back at the
corresponding points.


This test allows you to check the operation of the onboard and

optional outputs. The onboard outputs are copies of the first

three outputs on the optional I/O board when it is installed.

Sequence This is the first item in the Outputs submenu. Press the ENTER

key to test the outputs. Each output is turned on and off
sequentially. The display will show Out. nn. The nn being the
number of the output being tested. The outputs will sequence
every half second. Press the ENTER or ESCAPE key to end
the test and return to the SEqUEnCE display.

Out 1-3 (or 1-16 with optional boards)

This is the second item in the Outputs submenu. This allows you
to activate or deactivate any of the outputs 1-3 (1-16 if the
optional boards are installed). Press the ENTER key to see the
display of the outputs status.

The screen has 0s and 1s displayed in this format: 00.010000. In
this example, output #4 is active. The zeros and ones represent
the status of each output. A 1 means it is activated and a 0
means it is deactivated. The left digit is output #1 or #9.

To change the status of an output, press the Е




Е or MENU key

to move the decimal point to the right of the output you want to
change. Press the ENTER key to toggle the output from one
status to the other.

To exit back to Display mode, press
SELECT key and save changes
as needed by pressing
ENTER with
SAVE? displayed.

With motors connected to external
circuits, this is a good way to test
your hardware.