Dillon FI-127 User Manual
Page 29

Use this to enter a break percentage. Break percentage is
the drop in force which the indicator will interpret as a
break detection. This is entered as percentage of full
capacity. 10% is the default value. The output signal is
asserted when a break is detected and switches to the
inactive state whenever you perform a zero or peak reset.
Use this to enter a capture percentage. Capture percent-
age is drop in force occurring before a rebound in force to
an ultimate peak of force. This capture percentage is given
as a percentage of full capacity. See Figure 2 for an
Use this menu item to set the motion detection param-
eters. There are three items in the submenu: Range,
Delay and Display.
Use this to specify the number of ±divisions for
the motion window. Default is 1.0 division.
Use this to specify the number of seconds
during which the weight must be within range (described
above) before a no-motion condition is displayed. Default
value is 0.4 seconds.
Choose ON to if you want the display on while
the indicator senses scale motion. Choose OFF to blank
the display while there is scale motion. Default is ON.
Use this to set the display update rate from these choices:
One update per second.
Two updates per second
Five updates per second
10 Ten updates per second.