Dillon FI-127 User Manual
Page 63

To find the best settings for your filter needs, follow the steps listed below.
1. What to Do: Determine the amount of positive and negative force
exerted by the vibration on the scale.
How to Do It: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF, and Average to
1.0 A-Ds. Return to Display mode and observe the force swings. Record
the difference between the highest and lowest displayed force values.
Add 30 to 50% to this value. This is a good starting value for the
Threshld setting. Do not set your indicator to this value until told to in
step 7.
2. Setting the Average to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to OFF and Average to
15.0 A-Ds. Check the stability of the loadcell.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to Display mode. Observe the
Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your loadcell is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 3.
3. Repeat step 2 but increase the Average by 15.0 A-Ds. Keep repeating
steps 2 and 3 until the loadcell is stable or you’ve tried the entire range
of Average (300 A-Ds). If the loadcell is still not stable go to step 4.
4. Setting the Constant to higher values increases the filtering effect.
What to Do: Set Threshld to 0.0, Constant to 1.0 and Average to 300
A-Ds. Check the stability of the loadcell.
How to Do It: Save changes and exit to Display mode. Observe the
Center of Zero light. If it is on all the time your loadcell is stable within
¼ division. If the Center of Zero light blinks more filtering is required.
Go to step 5.
5. Repeat step 4 but increase the Constant by 1.0. Keep repeating steps 4
and 5 until the loadcell is stable or you’ve tried the entire range of
Constant (10). If the loadcell is still not stable, decrease your display
update rate and start over at step 1 using the new, slower display rate.
6. After the Constant value is established you may wish to lower the
Average value to improve display response time.
7. After a final value for Constant and Average has been set, enter the
Threshld value established in step 1. If this value is too small your
loadcell will act as if the filtering is off or not working. Increase the
Threshld value until your loadcell stabilizes.
If the Threshld value is too high your loadcell will react slowly to weight
When Harmonizer is properly adjusted the loadcell will be stable at zero
and will rapidly display a stable test force value.
Appendix C: Tips on setting up and using the Harmonizer