Cooper Instruments & Systems DFI INFINITY B Ultra High Performance Digital Force Indicator User Manual

Page 61

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Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 5) Display shows "ACt IVE" Alarm Active State submenu.
Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 6) Display flashes "AbOVE" Above Alarm/Setpoint active state option or previous setting.
Press ‘▲/MAX

7) Scroll to select 2 available options for your choice "AbOVE" or "bELOU" (below)
Alarm/Setpoint Active State.

Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 8) Display shows "StOREd" stored message momentarily and then advances to "LAtCH"

Alarm Latching submenu.


Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 9) Display flashes "UNLtCH" Unlatch Option or previous setting.
Press ‘▲/MAX

10) Scroll to select 2 available options for your choice:
"UNLtCH" (unlatch) Non-Latching or "LAtCH" Latching Action. This means that once
Alarm1 (Setpoint3) is triggered it will remain active, if "LAtCH" was selected, until it is
reset by pressing the ‘RESET/ENTER’ button one time or by grounding connector P2-11.
Reset can also be accomplished via RS-232 or RS-485 serial communication option


Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 11) Display shows "StOREd" stored message momentarily and then advances to

"N.StAtE" Normal State (Output-transistor Collector or Relay state) submenu.

Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 12) Display flashes "N.OPEN" Normal Open (Output Relay or Output-Transistor Collector

opened) state or previous setting "N.CLOSE" Normal close state.

Press ‘▲/MAX

13) Select your choice of Output Relay or Output-transistor Collector state setting.


Alarm Mode or Deviation functions apply to Alarms 1 and 2 (Setpoints 3 and 4) and act
as buffer zones to control setpoint action. The Alarm 1 deviation is the sum of the Alarm
1 value plus the Setpoint1 value the Alarm 2 deviation is the Alarm 2 value plus the
Setpoint 2 value.

Press ‘RESET/ENTER’ 14) Display shows "StOREd" stored message momentarily and then advances to

"AL.MOdE" Alarm Mode (Function) Configuration submenu.

CF 156

