Mic settings - interact pro, Level tab, Processing tab – ClearOne Interact Manual User Manual

Page 51: Evel, Rocessing

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The Mic Settings window is used to customize and configure the audio from the various microphones that
are connected to a Mic Input.
• Users can change the input label by clicking the text box next to the desired input label (for example:

Input2). Replace the default label with a new name for the input.

Level Tab

Connected To: Shows make and model of pre-configured device dropped on channel, if one was used
Coarse Gain: Use the slider to adjust Coarse Gain for each of the 8 Mic Inputs independently
Fine Gain: Use the slider to adjust Fine Gain for each Mic Input independently
Level Meter: Displays current Post Gain levels for each Mic Input
ALC: Click the ALC button to activate Auto Level Control for each Mic Input independently
Mute: Click Mute to mute each input independently
P Pwr: Click the P Pwr (ON by default) button to activate/deactivate Phantom Power on each Mic Input


Processing Tab

System Settings: AEC requires a physical output reference to track output gain changes. Therefore

when using virtual AEC references, output gain tracking must be used in order to provide level
information to the AEC process. Choose the appropriate output(s) for the AEC to track gain changes
when using the Virtual Reference(s).


If you are using Mono mode, only one AEC reference is used.


If you are using Stereo Mode, both AEC references are used.


NOTE: Only use stereo mode if using true left and right channels.

AEC: Click the AEC button (ON by default) to toggle Acoustic Echo Cancellation ON and OFF. The

radio buttons below set the strength of the NLP (Non-Linear Processing) setting.


NLP: Default is Soft. Click a radio button to set the Non-Linear Processing level or deactivate the
feature. Be aware that setting the NLP to higher levels may affect the full duplex capabilities of your
conferencing system.

NC: Click the NC button (ON by default) to toggle Noise Cancellation ON and OFF, use the slider to

adjust Cancellation Depth. Use the lowest amount of depth possible for best audio performance.

Enable PTT: Check the PTT box to enable Push-To-Talk. To set up PTT you must:


Activate the Pre Gain Meter by selecting the check box.


Mute your PTT microphone at the microphone element.


Watch the Pre Gain Meter for the highest level - this is the electronic noise of you PTT Microphone
connecting. Set the PTT threshold to this level. Now when the PTT microphone is muted and the Pre
Gain Meter reaches the set level, the microphone channels AEC will freeze adaption and stop any
echo artifacts from being transmitted to the far end of the conference.