Using pre-configured devices, Ptt microphones and microphones, Microphones – ClearOne Interact Manual User Manual

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Chapter 2: Getting Started 45









Users can click on a device from the Toolbox and drag it into the Flow Window, where it’s added to the
channel they wish to configure (for example: a microphone is dragged into the Flow and dropped onto Mic
Input 3). Once the device is added, an icon appears next to that Channel Number. Click any Mic Input to
launch the dialog window (in this case, the Mic Input dialog). This example shows the microphone we added
connected to Mic Input 3. Repeat this process for any device on any of the Channels you wish you configure
with a pre-configured device.
If an INTERACT Pro 8i unit is connected to the INTERACT Pro unit, click the Enable check box in the Pro 8i
Mics Flow to add Mic Inputs 9-16. Microphones and PTT Microphones can now be dragged from the Device
Toolbox onto these available inputs.
Right-click a device in the Flow Window (e.g. the microphone we dropped onto Mic Input 3) navigate to the
Clear Device option, then click on it to remove it from that Channel.






Push-to-Talk microphones require a separate add/edit procedure.

In Device Toolbox, expand the PTT Microphone section
Double click one of the selections to launch the Edit Device window (pictured above)
Select the Device Type, Manufacturer and Model from the drop-down lists along the top row.
Adjust Coarse Gain, Fine Gain, activate Phantom Power (if the microphone requires power) and adjust
PTT Threshold using the various adjustments along the second row as necessary.
Phantom Power sends power from the mixer to the microphone. Use this only if the PTT microphone

you are using specifically requires this setting.

PTT Threshold: Set this to the level needed for your object.
Phase, Add Filter and Remove Filter are discussed in

Processing section of this document.



Microphones are handled exactly like PTT Microphones with the exception of the PTT Threshold. Follow the
steps above to create a microphone object.