Bird Technologies SH-362S-Manual User Manual

Page 168

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Supports optional Bird external power sensor models
5012B, 5010B, 5011, 5011-EF, 5010T and 5010. Connect
sensors via RS-232 port.


6 Markers; Modes: On/Off, Standard, Marker to Max Peak,
Marker to Next Peak, Center Freq to Marker, Ref Level Ampt to
Marker, Marker Delta, Marker Display, Marker Type Line/Icon,
Marker Noise, Frequency Counter, All Marker to Peaks, All
Markers Off. Also, Marker to Max/Min Peak via Up/Down Arrow
Keys, Marker Left/Right via Left/Right Arrow Keys and Wheel.


Running display average, 2 to 1024 sweeps

Internal Memory

Store 300 traces and setups

USB Drive

May store over 90,000 traces and setups on a USB drive
standard accessory. The contents of the internal memory can be
copied to and from a removable USB drive.


USB drive must be Windows CE compatible.

Windows CE

Includes Microsoft WordPad (full read and write) and the following
viewers (read only): Word, Excel, Power Point, PDF, and Image.

Also, Media Player, Internet Explorer, and Messenger. Use of USB

mouse and hub recommended (see optional accessories).

User Interface

Reference the user manual and design specification (SH UI
document) for further details.

One-Button Setup Press the setup button and select configuration from the

setup list. Setups may be saved to the list.

Help Functions

Help menu displays on-board measurement start-up instructions.
Custom Help file may be updated by the user with customized test
procedures and notes for on-board display. Tip line provides helpful
hints with each key stroke. Clear pocket on inside cover for start-up
instruction card and test procedures. Operations manual provides
additional information.

PC Tool Software

General Features

Transfer saved traces to and from Signal Hawk and PC via

USB cable or removable USB drive.
Graphically display traces on the PC for further analysis.
Generate printed reports with customized labels.

Archive saved traces to disk or USB drive.

Communication Method USB port
USB Drive

May store over 90,000 traces and setups on USB drive
standard accessory.


USB drive must be Windows CE compatible.

General Measurement Features

This manual is related to the following products: