Rockwell Automation AADvance Controller Configuration Guide User Manual

Page 276

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Document: 553633

Issue 07

Configuration Guide (AADvance Controller)

black channel

A communication path whose layer (i.e.

cabling, connections, media converters,
routers/switches and associated
firmware/software, etc.) has no requirement

to maintain the integrity of safety critical
data transferred over it. Measures to detect

and compensate for any errors introduced
into the black channel must be implemented
by the safety critical sender and receiver (by
software and/or hardware means) to make
sure the data retains its integrity.

blanking cover

A plastic moulding to hide an unused slot in

an AADvance base unit.


A type of variable that can accept only the

values 'true' and 'false'.


Basic process control system. A system

which responds to input signals and
generates output signals causing a process
and associated equipment to operate in a

desired manner, but which does not
perform any safety instrumented functions
with a claimed safety integrity level of 1 or

Refer to IEC 61511 or to ANSI/ISA—
84.00.01—2004 Part 1 (IEC 61511-1 Mod)

for a formal definition.
Equivalent to the Process Control System

(PCS) defined by IEC 61508.

breakdown voltage

The maximum voltage (AC or DC) that can
be continuously applied between isolated

circuits without a breakdown occurring.

BS EN 54

A standard for fire detection and fire alarm


BS EN 60204

A standard for the electrical equipment of

machines, which promotes the safety of
persons and property, consistency of
control response and ease of maintenance.


A group of conductors which carry related

data. Typically allocated to address, data and
control functions in a microprocessor-based

bus arbitration

A mechanism for deciding which device has
control of a bus.



Common Industrial Protocol. A
communications protocol, formally known
as 'CIP over Ethernet/IP', created by

Rockwell Automation for the Logix
controller family, and which is also
supported by the AADvance controller.

AADvance controllers use the protocol to
exchange data with Logix controllers. The

data exchange uses a consumer/producer


The shortest distance in air between two

conductive parts.

coding peg

A polarization key, fitted to the 9100

processor base unit and to each termination
assembly, which ensures only a module of
the correct type may be fitted in a particular

slot. Part number 9903.


In IEC 61131-3, a graphical component of a

Ladder Diagram program, which represents
the assignment of an output variable. In
Modbus language, a discrete output value.