Rockwell Automation 20-COMM-D DeviceNet Adapter Series B FRN User Manual
Page 235

20-COMM-D DeviceNet Adapter User Manual
Publication 20COMM-UM002G-EN-P
HIM (Human Interface Module)
A device that can be used to configure and control a drive. PowerFlex
7-Class HIMs (catalog number 20-HIM-xx) can be used to configure
PowerFlex 7-Class drives and their connected peripherals.
Hold Last
When communication is disrupted (for example, a cable is disconnected),
the adapter and PowerFlex drive can respond by holding last. Hold last
results in the drive receiving the last data received via the network
connection before the disruption. If the drive was running and using the
Reference from the adapter, it will continue to run at the same Reference.
Host Parameters (only PowerFlex 750-Series drives)
Host parameters are used to configure peripherals connected to a PowerFlex
750-Series drive. When using a PowerFlex 7-Class HIM (20-HIM-A3/-A5/
-C3S/-C5S), Host parameters do not appear. When using a PowerFlex
750-Series HIM (20-HIM-A6/-C6S), Host parameters appear in the HOST
PARAM folder. You can also view Host parameters with any of the
following drive configuration tools:
• Connected Components Workbench software—click the tab for the
option module at the bottom of the window, click the Parameters icon in
the tool bar, and open the Host parameters folder.
• DriveExplorer software—find the option module in the treeview and
open its Parameters folder.
• DriveExecutive software—find the option module in the treeview,
expand the module in the tree, and open its Parameters folder.
Idle Action
An idle action determines how the adapter and connected drive act when the
controller is switched out of run mode.
I/O Data
I/O data, sometimes called ‘implicit messages’ or ‘input/output’, is
time-critical data such as a Logic Command and Reference. The terms
‘input’ and ‘output’ are defined from the controller’s point of view. Output
is produced by the controller and consumed by the adapter. Input is
produced by the adapter and consumed by the controller.
Logic Command/Logic Status
The Logic Command is used to control the PowerFlex 7-Class drive (for
example, start, stop, and direction). It consists of one 16-bit word of output
to the adapter from the network. The definitions of the bits in this word
depend on the drive, and are shown in