7 edit: film – INFICON Guardian EIES Controller User Manual
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Guardian Co-Deposition Controller Operating Manual
3.7 Edit: Film
A Film sets the parameters for the material to be deposited in a layer, the control
loop tuning, pre/post conditioning, and many of the instrument hardware
parameters associated with that material.
Figure 3-20 Edit Film Dialog Box
The Film tab displays the deposition and pre/post conditioning parameters for the
selected film. The Film Calibration (Film Cal.) tab contains instrument, display, and
QCM parameters.
NOTE: Changing any parameters under the Film and Film Cal tabs also changes
those parameters on the layer using the film.
Pause the mouse over any parameter to see a brief description. Edit a parameter
by clicking in the parameter's value cell, then typing a value, or by selecting a value
from a drop-down menu. Time values may be entered in hh:mm:ss format, or as
whole seconds (which are automatically converted to hh:mm:ss format).
When you click in another cell, or press Enter, the parameter value is checked for
validity and stored in the process database. If the process is running, the
parameters are also sent to the EIES.
Rename: Gives a meaningful name (often the material) to the film.
Copy: Copy the film parameters to the clipboard.
Paste: Select another film and click Paste to replace it with the clipboard film
parameters. Be careful when pasting films, there is no undo function!