INFICON Guardian EIES Controller User Manual

Page 38

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Guardian Co-Deposition Controller Operating Manual

Now select the Film Cal(ibration) tab and verify Channel Input and Cal. QCM# are
as shown in

Figure 2-12

. Note that the software for the Q-pod or SQM242 QCM to

be used must be installed per the relevant instructions. Tooling must be established
as described in the QCM manual or in this manual under

Tooling Factor on page



Channel numbers correspond to inputs from up to eight EIES Detector Modules,
up to four QCM inputs or up to four SAM inputs. Any combination using up to eight
inputs for rate control is possible.

Figure 2-12 QCM Film Calibration Tab

Keep in mind that parameters on the Layer and X Chan tabs are unique to this
layer. Those on the Film and Film Calibrate tabs pertain to any layer using the film.

Take a few minutes to review the parameters on each tab. As you hold your mouse
pointer over each parameter, a brief explanation appears. You can also press F1
to view the help file for the selected tab.