INFICON Guardian EIES Controller User Manual

Page 77

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Guardian Co-Deposition Controller Operating Manual

Cal Gain: The multiplier used to convert EIES current measurements to calibrated
rate/thickness. You may enter a value manually, or the value is updated each time
QCM Calibrate is clicked.

Cal Zero: Due to gas background emission, there may be an EIES rate reading
when there is no deposition. Enter the background rate to correct EIES rate to zero.

User Multiplier: This value is multiplied by the calibrated rate (in Å/s) to convert to
User Units on the main screen rate display. Set the multiplier to 1 to display
readings in Å/s. Also used with the SAM-242 analog card to convert volts to
different units.

User Offset: Value subtracted from the calculated rate (in Å/s) to convert to User
Units shown in the channel's reading display. Set the offset to 0 to display readings
in Å/s.

User Units: The units displayed below the channel reading on the main screen.
Typically Angstroms per second (Å/s).

Integer Digits: The number of integer digits (left of the decimal point) displayed in
the channel's rate display. The channel rate display can show four total digits, plus
the decimal point and sign. If IntDigits plus DecDigits is greater than four, the
left-most digits will not be seen.

Decimal Digits: The number of decimal digits (right of the decimal point) displayed
in the channel's rate display. The channel rate display can show four total digits,
plus the decimal point and sign. If IntDigits plus DecDigits is greater than four, the
left-most digits will not be seen.

Exponent: Scales the channel rate display by powers of 10. For example, select 3
to display kilo-units or -3 to display milli-units.

Filter: The number of readings that are averaged for display on the main screen.