INFICON Guardian EIES Controller User Manual
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Guardian Co-Deposition Controller Operating Manual
7.3.4 Command Summary for V3.XX and V4.XX Guardian Controller
NOTE: # is channel, V is value @
Description: Returns controller firmware version
Parameters: None
Example: @
The complete command string is: !%@Md(LF)
That is, Hex (21)(25)(40)(20)(4D)(64)(0A)
Returns: EIESVX.XX
A typical response from a V4.XX Guardian controller is:
!.AEIESV4.03 (59)(55)(OA)
That is, Hex (21)(2E)(45)(49)(45)(53)(56)(34)(2E)(30)(33)(20)(59)(55)(0A) A
Description: Get active PMT modules. The response is a comma delimited listing
of the status of each PMT module. A one indicates a PMT module is connected
and communicating. A zero indicates no PMT module. The controller tests for
PMT modules only at power up.
Parameters: None
Example: A
Returns: A1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 indicating the first PMT module is the only one installed. B
Description: Set PMT module update rate in milliseconds. Also establishes
whether a gas compensating or standard sensor is attached to the PMT module.
There is no Get command for the PMT module update rate.
Parameters: PMT#, Rate, Gas Sensor On/Off
Example: B2,100,1
This sets the second PMT module to convert a reading every 100 milliseconds, and
also enables gas compensation. Because three sensor readings are taken by the
PMT module (Off, On, and Gas), the actual reading update rate is three times as
long as the value sent. In the example above, the PMT module will actually return
the three readings each 300 milliseconds (see F & G commands below). The Gas
Sensor On/Off character must be sent, but is no longer used the controller
Returns: B