Apple Cinema Tools 3 User Manual
Page 235

telecines 19, 209
telecine transfers
24P video and 25
audio/video sync and 19, 29, 31, 209
camera-roll 21
Final Cut Pro and 32
rates supported by Cinema Tools 205
scene-and-take 21, 22
video output 19, 209
window burn 19
24P 186
audio 26, 28–29, 30
calibrating the offset 98
capturing accurately 97–98
conforming and 27
crossing midnight 25
determining values with the Identify feature 83–
discrepancies between window burn and values
in Final Cut Pro 27
drop frame 26, 28
free run 26
general tips 25–26
genlocking and 97
inaccuracies and Final Cut Pro 90, 97–98
noncontinuous 26
non-drop frame 26
non-drop frame timecode 28
NTSC 26–28
PAL 26
pre-roll and post-roll handles 26
record run 26
reverse telecine and 27
serial device control and 97–98
supported by Cinema Tools 26
supported by Final Cut Pro 26
verifying accuracy when using FireWire 37
verifying and correcting with the Identify
feature 88–90
TK Speed (telecine film speed)
choosing a default 69
pop-up menu in Detail View window 80
transferring film to video 19–28
24&1 method 25
24@25 method 24
24P video and 25
3:2 pull-down method 23–24
camera-roll transfers 21
options for NTSC video 22–24
options for PAL video 24–25
recording a projected image with a camcorder 20
running the film at 30 fps 24
scene-and-take transfers 21, 22
using a film chain 20
using a telecine 19
transition effects list 143
transitions 128–131
troubleshooting 217–220
contacting AppleCare Support 220
capturing 37–39, 210
matching Final Cut Pro’s editing timebase 32, 40,
109, 210
Video Duration field 81
Video Reel field 80
creating for negative cutter 32, 210
exporting 24 fps sequences to 159–160
issues when editing at 24 fps 32
NTSC video and 32
PAL video and 32
Video TC Rate (video timecode rate)
choosing a default 68
pop-up menu in Detail View window 81
AppleCare Support 220
Apple Store 14
Apple websites 14
FireWire 13
described 205
OfflineRT and 96
using the Identify feature on video without 83
change lists and 41
conforming to the cut list 211
editing 207
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