About this manual – Apple Cinema Tools 3 User Manual

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An Introduction to Cinema Tools

About This Manual

This manual is a fully hyperlinked PDF document enhanced with many features that
make locating information quick and easy.

 The homepage provides quick access to various features, including Late-Breaking

News, the index, and the Cinema Tools website.

 A comprehensive bookmark list allows you to quickly choose what you want to see

and takes you there as soon as you click the link.

 All cross-references in the text are linked. You can click any cross-reference and jump

immediately to that location. Then, you can use the navigation bar’s Back button to
return to where you were before you clicked the cross-reference.

 The table of contents and index are also linked. If you click an entry in either of these

sections, you jump directly to the section for that entry.

 You can also use the Find dialog to search the text for a specific word or phrase.

This manual provides background and conceptual information, as well as step-by-step
instructions for tasks and a glossary of terms. It is designed to provide the information
you need to get up to speed quickly so that you can take full advantage of the
powerful features of Cinema Tools.

 If you want to begin with some introductory background information about editing

film traditionally as opposed to editing it using digital methods, see Appendix A,

Background Basics

,” on page 201.

 To find out the details of how to use Cinema Tools, as well as some things to consider

in the planning of your project, see Part I,

Using Cinema Tools

,” next.

 If you’re interested in the 24P aspects of using both Final Cut Pro and Cinema Tools,

see Part II,

Working With 24P

” on page 175.

Note: This manual is not intended to be a complete guide to the art of filmmaking.
Much of the film-specific information presented here is very general in nature, and is
supplied to provide a context for the terminology used when describing
Cinema Tools functions.

UP01101.Book Page 12 Thursday, March 10, 2005 3:16 PM