Apple Cinema Tools 3 User Manual

Page 232

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settings required to export an audio EDL 77

device control 22, 38–39, 99, 210
Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) 210
digital editing 8

basic steps 208–211
before you begin 17–18
Cinema Tools and 8, 9
Final Cut Pro and 9
preparing source clips for 109–126

double system audio 30, 178, 196

timecode for 161

double usage warnings 141, 218
downconverted video 179
drop frame timecode 26, 28
dropped frames

avoiding 96
Reverse Telecine feature and 96, 219

dual system audio. See double system audio
dupe list 41, 134, 141
duplicate uses of source clips 134, 218


Easy Setups 127
edge code 203

See also key numbers, ink numbers
determining with the Identify feature 83–84
verifying 146
verifying and correcting with the Identify
feature 88–90

edge code-to-timecode relationship

camera-roll transfers and 64–65
continuous vs. noncontinuous 64–65

Edit Decision List. See audio EDLs, EDLs
editing timebase

conforming clips and 40
cut list accuracy and 24, 32
setting in Final Cut Pro 32, 109

EDLs 181

See also audio EDLs
converting NTSC to 24 fps 182, 186
exporting 24 fps 185
format requirements for saving 171
frame rates and 169
how Cinema Tools processes them 170
importing 24 fps 181
importing NTSC 182
making changes in TextEdit 171
reel names and 168
repairing problems 170
supported by Cinema Tools 168
using to generate film lists 168–171
video standards and 169

effects 128–131, 210
Export Audio dialog 163–164
Export Audio EDL dialog 59

Export command 169–170
exporting to videotape 159–160


field dominance 115
fields 23, 25, 27

Reverse Telecine feature and 114–115


16mm 18, 201
16mm-20 18
35mm 18, 201
4-perf 35mm 18, 201
audio considerations 28–31
basics 201–211
before you shoot 18
edge code 203
editing digitally 8–9, 208–211
editing traditionally 206–207
formats supported by Cinema Tools 18, 201
frame rate 22, 205
frame sizes 201
ink numbers and 204
key numbers and 203–204
mixing formats 18
perforations 202
reverse direction 80
speed 205
Super 16 201
transferring to video 19–28, 209
using a timecode slate 30

film chains 20
film-digital-film method 129
film lists 137, 210

See also specific list names
described 137–144
don’t appear 217
edge code and 146
exporting 145–146
generating from external EDLs 168–171
generating from other video editing
applications 167–171
generating with the Cinema Tools Export
command 169–170
temporary files and 219
timecode-based generation method 65

Film Lists dialog 56–57, 210

opening from within Cinema Tools 57
opening from within Final Cut Pro 57
settings in 146–150

film positive 19, 206
film standard

choosing a default 67–68
pop-up menu in Detail View window 80

Final Cut Pro

dropped frames and 96

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