Connecting captured source clips to the database, Also see, Connecting captured source clips to the – Apple Cinema Tools 3 User Manual

Page 102: Database

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Chapter 5

Capturing Source Clips and Connecting Them to the Database

 If your video is non-drop frame timecode, make sure that Non-Drop Frame is chosen

from the Default Timecode pop-up menu in the Final Cut Pro Device Control Presets tab.
A quick way to do this is to choose DV-NDF in the Easy Setup dialog in Final Cut Pro.
(Refer to the Final Cut Pro documentation for more details on using Easy Setups.)

 The naming of the source clips is important because you will need to connect clips to

database records. In order to make the connection process as smooth as possible,
use an easy naming scheme with the scene and take identifiers. For example, the clip
for scene 33, take 1 could be named 33-1. Hyphens are fine in a clip name, but do not
use a slash or colon.

Connecting Captured Source Clips to the Database

Since source clips and database records are created by different means at different
times, you need to establish the link between a source and its record after they both
exist. This process is called connecting a clip to a record. How you connect clips to the
database depends on how you captured your clips.

 If you captured your source clips by using a batch capture list: Use the Connect Clips

command to automatically connect all your source clips to the database. See “


the Connect Clips Command to Connect Source Clips

” on page 103.

 If you did not capture your source clips by using a batch capture list: You need to

individually connect source clips to database records by using either the Detail View
window or the Clip window. These two methods are equally easy and accessible, so
the one you choose may depend on which window happens to be open. The Clip
window is most convenient if you’re interested in selecting a new poster frame for
each clip as you go, or if you want to use the Conform or Reverse Telecine feature on
each clip immediately after you connect it to the database.

Keep in mind these basic rules for connecting clips:

 Each database record can have a maximum of one clip connected to it, and each clip

can be connected to a maximum of one database record. In other words, you can’t
have two clips connected to one database record, and you can’t have one clip
connected to two different database records. Also, a database record does not have
to have a clip connected to it.

 You can connect source clips to database records any time between the time you

capture the clips and export lists.

 If you are working with camera-roll transfer video that has a continuous key number-

to-timecode relationship, you can use the timecode-based method of film list
generation so you don’t have to connect your source clips to database records. For
more information, see “

A Potential Database Shortcut for Camera-Roll Transfers

” on

page 65 and Appendix B, “

How Cinema Tools Creates Film Lists

,” on page 213

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