Apple Cinema Tools 3 User Manual
Page 106

Chapter 5
Capturing Source Clips and Connecting Them to the Database
Using the Clip Window to Enter or Disconnect Source Clips
When a clip has not been connected to a database record, the second button from the
top in the Clip window is labeled Enter in DB. If a clip is already connected, the button
is labeled Disconnect Clip.
The Enter in DB command offers you a way to create a database record for an
individual source clip and connect it to the database at the same time.
To use the Clip window to enter a source clip in the database:
Choose File > Open Clip to open the clip in the Clip window, then select the clip in
the dialog.
Click the Enter in DB button.
Enter a scene and take identifier for the source clip in the dialog that appears.
See “
Using Scene, Shot, and Take Identifiers
” on page 75 for more information.
Click OK to connect this clip to the existing record in the database that corresponds to
the scene and take you entered in the dialog. If no record exists for that scene and take,
click the New button, and a new record is created.
In either case, the source clip in the Clip window is connected to the record, so the
relationship is established in the database. A source clip can be connected to a record
in more than one database, but within one database it can only be connected or
related to one record. If the source clip is moved or renamed, the relationship should
be re-created.
To use the Clip window to disconnect a captured clip:
Open the clip in the Clip window.
Click Disconnect Clip.
Note: Clicking this button breaks the link between the source clip and the record so
that they are no longer connected. It does not delete the clip from your hard disk.
UP01101.Book Page 106 Thursday, March 10, 2005 3:16 PM