Apple GarageBand '08 User Manual
Page 20

Chapter 2
GarageBand at a Glance
Instrument library pop-up menu: Choose which instruments you want to see in the category
and instrument lists from the pop-up menu.
Instrument category list: Click an instrument category to see the instruments for that category
in the instrument list on the right.
Click an instrument from the list.
Instrument icon pop-up menu: Click to choose a new instrument icon from the icon menu that
appears. Icons make it easy to distinguish tracks that use similar instruments.
Details triangle: Click to show the instrument and effects settings.
Effect checkboxes, sliders, and pop-up menus: Click an effect checkbox to turn the effect on or
off. Drag the sliders to adjust the level of the effects, or choose an item from the pop-up menus.
Drag effects up or down by their left edge to reorder them.
The Track Info pane includes the following effects for Real and Software Instruments:
 Gate slider (Real Instrument tracks only): Drag the slider to adjust the strength of the gate.
The gate reduces noise from your input source.
 Instrument Generator and Generator Preset pop-up menus (Software Instrument tracks
only): Choose an instrument generator and a generator preset from the menus.
 Compressor pop-up menu: Choose a compression setting from the pop-up menu.
 Visual EQ pop-up menu: Choose an EQ (equalizer) setting from the pop-up menu. Click the
Edit button to see and graphically edit the Visual EQ.
 Effect and effect preset pop-up menus: Click a checkbox to turn additional effects on or off.
Choose an effect from a pop-up menu on the left, then choose an effect preset from the pop-
up menu on the right.
 Echo slider: Drag the slider to adjust the amount of echo.
 Reverb slider: Drag the slider to adjust the amount of reverb.
Input Source pop-up menu (Real Instrument tracks only): Choose the input source for Real
Instrument recording.
Monitor pop-up menu: Turn on monitoring to hear your instrument as you play. You can turn
on monitoring with or without feedback protection.
Recording Level slider and checkbox: Drag to set the input volume for the track. Select the
Automatic Level Control checkbox to have GarageBand lower the recording level to prevent
Effect edit buttons: Click to show an effect’s preset window, where you can edit the effect
Save Instrument and Delete Instrument buttons: Click the Save Instrument button to save an
instrument. Click the Delete Instrument button to delete a saved instrument.