Use of menu Page 79
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18.2.2. Use of menu
After entering the moisture analyzer settings, the user can define all drying
parameters, and main data for printing completed measurements (data type,
time interval between printing the following measuring data). The data is
definable in one menu window.
1. Press grey coloured workspace
2. Moisture analyzer’s display indicates menu: Settings, Keys, Information,
Printouts, Profile,
3. Press
4. The display indicates functions related to drying mode, such as:
Drying mode [means of heating a sample]
Finish mode [criteria on finishing drying process]
Result [moisture content measuring unit, active on drying process
Printout interval [time intervals in which measurement data is printed]
Start mass control [enabled / disabled – meeting a requirement of
determined start mass of a sample, with declared tolerance of this mass
value (setting mass value and its tolerance is carried out in database of
Print measurements [printing indirect measurement result of moisture
content determining process, with time interval set in parameter
Means of setting each parameter is the same as in case of the previous
menu option. The only difference refers to possibility of declaring parameter
of controlling start mass for a sample.
This parameter determines use of a sample with specific mass to test its
moisture content.
CONTROL OF START MASS enables setting one of three options:
No – option disabled, mass of a sample prepared for drying is not controlled
by the software
Optional – option enabled, the display shows a bar graph demonstrating
graphic visualization of sample mass in relation to mass value saved in the
database of products. It is a sample mass and its tolerance limits set in the
Before applying this option, add a product in the database, including data on
sample mass and its checkweighing limits.
On enabling this option, the moisture analyzer’s software displays
commands on placing a sample with determined mass on the drying pan.
However, if a user decides otherwise, then a moisture analyzer starts drying
process even if sample mass exceeds determined threshold limits for a
tested sample mass.