Variables formatting – RADWAG MA 200.3Y Moisture Analyzer User Manual
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33.2. Variables formatting
Moisture analyzer MA 3Y series enables random formatting of numerical
variables, text variables and date which are dedicated for printing, and which
are displayed in the grey coloured workspace of the display.
Formatting types:
Variables with left justification,
Variables with right justification,
Determining number of characters for printing / displaying,
Determining number of decimal places for numeric variables,
Converting the format of date and hour,
Converting numerical variables into a code type EAN13,
Converting numerical variables and date into a code type EAN128.
Special formatting signs:
Sign separating variables
for formatting
{7,10} – Net mass in adjustment unit
with constant length of 10 characters, with
right justification
Minus sign or left
{7,-10} – Net mass in adjustment unit
with constant length of 10 characters, with
left justification
Sign proceeding
formatting or time
separator (i.e. hours,
minutes and seconds)
{7:0.000} – Net mass in adjustment unit
always with three decimal places;
{3:hh:mm:ss} – Current time in format:
hour : minute : second
First detected dot in a
digit is recognized as
separator of integer and
decimal parts. Each
following dot is ignored.
{55:0.00} – Product’s unit price always
with two decimal places;
{17:0.0000} – Average from
measurements, always with four decimal
Sign formatting digits to
a chain of sign in format
“-ddd.ddd…” (where: d
stands for a single digit,
minus is for digits with
negative value only) or
determining number of
decimal places
{7:F2} – Net mass in adjustment unit
always with two decimal places;
{7,9:F2} – Net mass in adjustment unit
always with two decimal places and fixed
length of 9 characters with right
Formatting mass and
quantities derivatives of
mass in EAN13 code
{7:V6.3} – Net mass in a form of EAN13
code (6-character code) with three
decimal places