Pulsafeeder Pulsar DLC XP RC User Manual

Page 25

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At this time, the actual message is un-important, the characters should be visible and form a
reasonable message.

If the display is blank (no-characters) then the display contrast must be adjusted. This can be
accomplished by pressing and holding [MENU] while simultaneously pressing [UP]. This will
darken the display. Be patient! You may have to hold both keys down for as long as 30 seconds
before the characters will become visible. If the display is too dark, press [MENU] and [DOWN]
simultaneously to decrease (lighten) the contrast. Once the contrast is properly adjusted, check the
message displayed. If it does not look similar to one of those shown in Figure 14, proceed directly to
Step #5 to perform a Factory Re-initialization on your DLC-RC.

The keypad can be tested by depressing each key separately. Most, but not all keys will cause the text
on the display to change. Do not be alarmed if a single key does not invoke a change to the display.
This is normal. Different keys become active/de-active depending on the current operating mode.
There are a number of functions that the DLC-XP/RC performs (e.g., zero calibration) where the
keypad has no effect. In any case, at least one key on the keypad should cause the text on the display
to change. If this is not the case, refer to Section 11 – Trouble Shooting. Skip to Section 6.1.6.


Performing a Factory Re-initialization.

When Re-initializing your DLC-RC, all of the system settings will be overwritten by original factory
default settings. The controller must be re-configured to your specifications (e.g., re-calibrated).

If your DLC-RC appears to be functioning properly -- the display is similar to one of those shown in
Figure 14 -- skip to Section 6.1.6.

A Factory Re-initialization restores all factory defaults to the DLC-RC's memory.

A Factory Re-initialization is typically not required. It should be performed only if the user has reason
to believe that the internal DLC-RC memory has become corrupted. A number of factors could cause
this including: long-term storage, dis-regard of electrostatic precautions (refer to Section 2 – Safety)
during installation, improper wiring, voltage surges, etc. The condition usually manifests itself with
inconsistent or erratic operation -- often associated with characters on the display. Depending on the
state of your DLC-RC, use one of the following:

6.1.6 Start-up



If the user interface is not functioning properly (e.g., the display is blank or illegible), perform the

1. Cycle power (turn it OFF then ON) to the DLC-RC.

2. Within the first 5 seconds of power on, simultaneously depress and hold the [UNITS], [MODE], and

[ENTER] keys for approximately 1 second.

3. The display will become blank for approximately 10 seconds while the DLC-RC's memory is

restored. The unit should operate normally. Return to Section 6.1.4: Confirm the Display and
Keypad are functioning properly.