Setting the time/date on the tsp, Setting the time/date on the tsp -6 – Avaya CPSEE_TSP500 User Manual

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Chapter 2 TSP User Procedures

Page 2-6

Version 4.0

CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide

This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.

Setting the Time/Date on the TSP

Using “date” to set the time while the TSP is running is dangerous. It could
ruin system files and interfere with the dialing algorithms.

The best way to set the time and date is:

1. Stop the TSP application (“stoptsp” using the Admin Terminal).
2. Use timeconfig to select the time zone. Also select the GMT flag.
3. Use hwclock to set the local time of the TSP in the hardware clock.

hwclock --set --date="2/20/03 18:24:00" --utc

(note - those are double dashes)

4. Use hwclock to update the system clock: hwclock --hctosys
5. Reboot the TSP. On a reboot, the system time will be taken from the hard-

ware clock.