Implementing intrusion tone, Implementing intrusion tone -3 – Avaya CPSEE_TSP500 User Manual

Page 191

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Chapter 9 Intrusion Tone

CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide

Version 4.0

Page 9-3

This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use.

Implementing Intrusion Tone

When implementing the Intrusion Tone, you acquire the following:

1. Produce a tone compliant with the country where the TSP is located.

There is a tones.def file in the /usr/home/cpstst/cfg directory of the TSP
that specifies the characteristics of tones generated by the TSP. A new
item (ITONE) will be added to specify the characteristics of the Intrusion

2. Provide a mechanism to specify whether the Intrusion Tone should be

used or not.
A new Dialing Rules keyword (INTRUSION) will be added to the TSP.
The default is for Intrusion Tone is to be turned OFF. To specify that the
Intrusion Tone should be used, enter the following line into the Dialing